Please join our “FAB for KIDS” race team… we’re running for their lives!
Come join our Founders Auxiliary Board RACE team and thousands of other Children’s National champions as we run to support the important work of helping kids live their best lives.
October 18, 2025
Freedom Plaza in Washington DC
Sign up for FAB for KIDS. Donate. Run or walk in person. Participate virtually. Set a goal and create a team to help you get there! Create a log-in and scroll for lots of helpful tips and tools in the Dashboard.
This year let’s go that extra mile and reach donations of $30,000. Let’s give it all we’ve got in the race toward advancing breakthrough care!
For questions about our FAB Team and how to support the 2025 Race for Every Child, contact Debbie Boizelle at debbie.boizelle@gmail.com
The Race for Every Child is a fun-filled morning, inspired by the wonderful children and staff at Children’s National! There is something for everyone, and a spirit of giving to the hospital that is unmatched! I love the energy, and that I can bring my dog! I personally wouldn’t miss it!